All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description App Hello world!ApplicationInitializer BusinessAndLifeCycleProperties Java class for anonymous complex type.BusinessPropertyClassifierST Java class for BusinessPropertyClassifier_ST.BusinessPropertyCT Business property typeCapabilityRefCT Capability reference data CTCapabilityRequirementsFinder Class used to find all combined capabilities that can be used to implement the given prd requirements.CombinationHierarchyCT Hierarchy of resource combination CTCombinationHierarchyRefCT Reference to a hierarchy of resource combination CTConstants Janaka Nawagamuwa created on 13/10/2021ContentNotFoundExceptionMapper Janaka Nawagamuwa created on 24/08/2021CorsFilter This provider allows sending cross origin requests from other sources.DataManager This is DataManager singleton class, which will be used as the interface to handle DB operations for most of the entities.DataMapper ErrorResp Java class for anonymous complex type.ExcelModel ExtensionDataCT Custom extensions (untyped)FailureTypeCT Failure type property typeFileDataDBSync Janaka Nawagamuwa created on 27/09/2021GeneralIfMMException General Interface Matchmaking ExceptionGenericExceptionMapper GenericInfo Java class for anonymous complex type.IClearResults IEC61131DataTypeST Java class for IEC61131_DataType_ST.IfMatchResult Data model for Interface Matchmaking ResultIfMMException Interface Matchmaking ExceptionIInterfaceMatchMaker Interface class for Interface Matchmaking processIInterfaceMatchMaker.eMatchingLevel Enumeration for indicating level until interface matchmaking is used.IMatchMaker Interface for the match making process service.IncompleteMMrequestException IncompleteMMRequestExceptionMapper InterfaceImpl InterfaceImpl.eGender Enumeration for the gender of an interface.InterfaceImpl.eIfCategory Enumeration for the Interface category of an interface.InterfaceMatchMaker Performs the Interface Matchmaking process.ListMMRequestsResp Java class for anonymous complex type.LocalizedStringCT Type for localized stringsLocalizedStringsCT Sequence of Localized stringsMain Match Java class for anonymous complex type.Match.Physical Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchMaker This class handles the match making process itself.MatchMakerMockup This class implements a Matchmaker mockup, which will provide always the same valid sample MatchmakingResultMatchmakingInputMerged Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchMakingProductDescResource This is the REST resource of the products description dataMatchmakingReq Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingReq.ResourcePoolRef Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingReq.SystemLayoutRef Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingReqResp Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchMakingRequestsResources This REST controller is used to get recently sent match requests.MatchMakingRequestSubmissionService MatchMakingRequestValidationService MatchMakingResource MatchMakingResourcePoolResource MatchmakingResourcePoolSubmissionService MatchmakingResult Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResult.PRDRef Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResult.ResourceCombinations Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResult.ResourceModelAsJSON Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResult.ResourceModelAsOWL Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResult.Resources Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchmakingResultReq Java class for anonymous complex type.MatchMakingResultResource MatchMakingResultService MatchMakingSysLayoutResource MatchmakingSystemLayoutSubmissionService MatchmakingUtils MMInputNotFoundException Here resource represents PRD Ontology or RD Ontology or System Layout or combinations of these inputs, whch are rquested in MM request but not found on our Server.MMInputNotFoundExceptionMapper MMReqtask MMRequestSubmission This is the data access object of MM requests submission.MMRequestSubmissionCT Match making request summary Complex TypeMockDataProvider ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the fi.tut.mei.matchmaking.model.xml.msg package.PostProcessingMatchMakingResultService PRDAcquiringService PRDData Java class for anonymous complex type.PRDRefCT PRD Reference CTPRDRefForMatchmakingCT PRD Reference CT for matchmakingPRDRefForMatchmakingCT.ProcessStepRef Java class for anonymous complex type.PRDRefForMatchmakingCT.ProcessStepRef.Match Java class for anonymous complex type.ProcessStep ProcessStepData Java class for anonymous complex type.ProcessStepRefCT Reference to single Process Step inside the PRDProcessStepRefWithMatchCT Process Step Reference with Match informationProcessStepRefWithMatchCT.NoMatch Java class for anonymous complex type.ProcessStepRefWithMatchCT.NoMatchRequired Java class for anonymous complex type.ProcessStepRefWithMatchCT.PrecededBy Java class for anonymous complex type.ProductDescription RDAcquiringService ReqOptST Java class for ReqOpt_ST.RequestIdNotFoundException RequestIdNotFoundExceptionMapper ResourceCatalogueCT Resource Catalogue CTResourceCombinationCT Resource Combination CTResourceCombinationRefCT Reference to a Resource combination CTResourceCT Resource description type CTResourceDescriptionAcquiringService ResourceInstance Datamodel for ResourceInstance, which represents Resource Instance Description (RID) level entity.ResourceInstanceCT Resource Instance description type CTResourceMapper This is a utility class that helps to map some application model classes to request responses.ResourceNotFoundException Resource is not found exceptionResourcePool ResourcePoolCT Resource Pool CTResourcePoolData Java class for anonymous complex type.ResourcePoolOntologyAcquiringService ResourcePoolResp Java class for anonymous complex type.ResourceRefCT Resource Reference CTResourceRefWithCapaCT Resource Reference CT with CapabilityRefResourceRefWithConnCT Resource Reference CT with ConnectionsResourceRefWithConnCT.Connection Java class for anonymous complex type.ResourceType Datamodel for ResourceType, which represents Resource Description (RD) level entity.ResourceWithConnectionCT Resource description with physical ConnectionsResourceWithConnectionCT.Connection Java class for anonymous complex type.ResPoolNotAddedException ResPoolNotAddedExceptionMapper ResultNotRdyResp Java class for anonymous complex type.ResultNotReadyException ResultNotReadyExceptionMapper SaveMatchesResp Java class for anonymous complex type.SaveMatchmakingResultReq Java class for anonymous complex type.Standard Datamodel for (Interface) Standard.StdCharacteristic StdCharacteristic.eStdCharType Enumeration for the type of this standard characteristic.SysLayoutNotAddedException SysLayoutNotAddedExceptionMapper SysLayoutOntologyAcquiringService SysLayoutProcessingService SystemLayout SystemLayoutCT System Layout CTSystemLayoutCT.Layout Java class for anonymous complex type.SystemLayoutCT.Resources Java class for anonymous complex type.SystemLayoutData Java class for anonymous complex type.SystemLayoutResp Java class for anonymous complex type.Test TestApp Utilities Utils Janaka Nawagamuwa created on 18/10/2021VariableBaseCT Definition of Variable baseVariableCT Definition of Variable typeXHTMLDocCT Element for XHTML documentation fragment.